Sunday, 21 October 2012

A taste of Africa

Sign says it all

My gang majority from Sweden and France
The Mokolodi Reserve is a non-for-profit reserve dedicated to conservation and teaching. This weekend there were at least 100 school age children there to learn. As well there was a boy scout camp out ( met one of the dads at check in) and a corp event. Busy place. Anuismee was the guide ( my driver all weekend actually). Interesting fellow from a village that borders the reserve; he is a footballer; tribal dancer ( actually founded the village troupe) and now he wants to start a village Marathon to get youth interested in fitness. Sarah I said you would come over and do the initial one lol.
Bird of prey --- help!

Antelope running away ( I am sitting in passenger seat

"Banana Bird" as it flies looks like it has a banana in its beak

I do not know what he was saying I do not speak antelope 

not my best side

The former owner of the property (12000 hectares) home

The older the giraffe the darker the spots

Stay tune for game drive part two!!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I'm feeling some of the excitement of your adventure.
