Sunday 21 October 2012

Mokolodi Reserve

So upon arrival I am dropped off and my taxi leaves. Alls going well you might think? No. They report that I have no reservation ( even though I have been emailing them all week to confirm). "Are you sure you are not a Molokodi House" ( I wish  I was but it is here I want). So lucky there is a solution ( more expensive sorry dear). I have to take the family chalet and all six beds. I should have invited friends. That settled I wander over to the restaurant for the evening meal.

View from the outdoor patio of the restaurant

A little like the lobster tank.

No seriously what else do you have for dinner at a lodge in the middle of Africa... fettuccine bolognaise  (whole wheat pasta available). I did have a gin and tonic and glass of wine with dinner for about $25. Not bad. A little disappointing as the atmosphere of the restaurant was more western than African. 

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