Sunday 21 October 2012

Morning has broken.........

I am up early to view my surroundings....

View from the porch 

The chalet t

It is  a man made pond and as you see not much is left

Keep in mind this distance to the pond so I am safe okay Emily

Not sure how this pit compares to Todd's

The oven.. 

Close up of the pond

Darlings  what is it?

What is left of the pond

Wild life has been here----- I hope!

The porch with the kitchen door open

Breakfast companion

More breakfast companions ... bit of a staring contest 

Back to the grazing field  

Note the road and its one of the best-- off for a game drive

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous photos. Really enjoying them, especially the face to face with Mr. Hippo!
    I am certainly taking those murderous creatures off my Christmas wish list. Looking forward to future blogs and photos. Was checking out how the "Zebras" are doing in 2013 African Cup qualifying. Two losses at the hands of Mali knocks them out, I believe. Enjoy.
