Friday, 19 October 2012

Off on Safari

It is Friday afternoon and the place is pretty quiet. I went to the Bank of Gaborone at noon to exchange money for the weekend. The temperature was 35 but only 13% humidity. Yes dry heat or one might say I was "dry roasted". I am going to the Mokolodi Game Reserve just outside Gaborone. Yes folks I am taking a taxi to go on safari lol. They have rhinos giraffes and other smaller animals situated on 12500 acres. I chose this reserve to visit as it is a non for profit and work with local school boards for education as well as wild life foundations to preserve  game. I will be staying at a "chalet" by a watering hole so hopefully some good pics by Sunday on the post. Work has been good and everyone is friendly and courteous. My work on developing an HAART Adherence group for adolescents is continuing and progressing nicely. The picture is not a good photo but it is of Adele and Brenda in Johannesburg waiting for our flight to Gaborone ( see the SA plane in the background).

1 comment:

  1. Ahh...nothing like a safari to round out the week!! Sounds like all is going well. The apartment looks faboo. Why dont you spend next weekend in Zimbabwe and have a chat with Mr. Mugabe!! I'm sure you can reason with the man!
    Brings "sense of adventure" to new heights old boy. Enjoy.
