Good Morning:
I think that is funny because it is morning here but about 2 am where you are in Hamilton. (Pics are coming). It was a long travel time. 28 hours in total. By the time I got to bed I had been up (except for some naps on the plane for 36 hours. The trip was uneventful until arrival in Botswana where it was discovered that one of Brenda's suitcases had gone missing but from where (New York? South Africa?) . The first thing I bought was a nice hat to protect my thinning bald head ( maybe I wear it). On the flight from New York to Johannesburg I watch 6 movies ( none of which I remember). It was disheartening to switch from movie to flight times and see that after 3 movies, dinner, slight nap you still had 9 hours to go. Luckily no one was sitting beside me so I had extra room to stretch.
I am off to orientation now so more later.......
Glad to know you're there safely, Tim! Mary & Will remind you to always wear your hat outside!